來源:A加未來國際教育 ? ? ? 時間:2020-10-26 16:22

1,How does sugar concentration affect the refractive index of water?
2,How does the number of coils affect the efficiency of an electric motor?
3,How does the thickness of human hair affect the Young Modulus?
4,How does the cross-sectional area of a shuttlecock affect the range of projection?
5,Investigate how the radius of a football affect the impulse on the football when kicked?
6,Exploring the relationship between angle of initial release of a pendulum and the subsequent calculation of‘g’from the pendulum.
7,How does temperature affect the flight distance or arc of an elastic band when fired?
8,Set up a hydraulics system and change multiple variables to test the impact.
9,Investigate the impact of different levels of shade on the power output of a solar panel.
10,Investigate the impact of various variables(temperature,concentration,colour)of a liquid on its refractive index.
11,What is the‘sweet spot’on a tennis racket that delivers the best hit by calculating the coefficient of restitution?
12,Exploring the relationship between suspension length and period of disk rotation.
13,Looking into factors that affect the refraction of certain light sources.
14,Exploring the resonance of musical instruments within a wave framework.
15,Determining the charge of an electron using a computer simulation.
16,Investigating the Magnetic field inside a slinky.
17,Electromagnetic induction laws and some factors that affect it.
18,Investigating properties of light-dependent resistors.
19,Looking at how the density of water affects single-slit diffraction patterns of waves.
20,An investigation of measuring the permeability of free space constant using simple solenoids and a magnetic field probe.